Your network is the backbone of your practice. Whether you’re simply connecting one computer to another in a peer to peer network or building a more complex model with a server, security needs to be your number one priority. HIPAA fines for breaches in your network can cost you your practice!
Our Network Engineers and Technicians Are Here To Serve You:
Your network will be assessed for proper security including changing of default usernames and password in favor of far more complex ones. Securing your WiFi and properly allowing guest access without allowing them the ability to connect to your network. Networks are also prone to slow downs. A fast internet speed is worthless when the rest of the network is suffering from bottlenecks. Speaking of
Speaking of internet- we can also help with issues from your ISP. Let us spend the time on the phone, you have your practice to manage. Through our many years in this industry, we have direct numbers to many of the ISPs and can bypass the level one and level two support folks. Call AZ Health Systems today 480-359-2323